Guest Bill Kinney, CCA STAR Texas Tournament Director, has an Early Bird update and reveals some of the fabulous prizes for early entry’s.
Guest Bill Kinney, CCA STAR Texas Tournament Director, has an Early Bird update and reveals some of the fabulous prizes for early entry’s.
Guest David Johnson, owner of Boat Stop Storage and Marina and Sunset Ridge RV Resort in Corpus Christi, Texas discusses the expansion of their boat storage, new marina, RV Park and more.
Guest Don Gilchrist, owner of the G2 Ranch, gives a tour of the 5-Star amenities of this world class exotic hunting and retreat destination.
Guest Brian Hughes, Texas Outdoors Journal North Texas Editor, covers fishing across North Texas and classic lures that still work.
Guest, Kimberly Sorenson, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Boating Safety Program Director, has boating do’s and don’ts.
Guest, Matagorda’s Capt. Tommy Countz, gives us a Spring Update and a Summer Forecast for the coast.
Guest Matt Williams, Texas Outdoors Journal Freshwater Editor, serves up a Spring fishing update.
Guest, Clifford Cheadle with Third Coast Thermal, shows us how to “rule the night” with the latest in night vision and thermal optics.
Guest Tim Birdsong, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Inland Fisheries Director, has an update on the Department and covers current challenges and opportunities.